Jeremy M. Boucher, MD, PCEO
– Anesthesiologist –
As an anesthesiologist, frustrated by the constant chiseling away at reimbursement, and the relentless infringement upon the true art and practice of medicine by various entities; enrolling in the PHYSICIAN CEO™ Program of 2016 has been the best decision I have made in medicine in years (if not in my career).
The PCEO program has given me the skills and business knowledge in all of the pertinent medically-related business areas to brave out into tangential anesthesia entrepreneurial areas, particularly in a cash-based practice model, eliminating the frustration and overhead of dealing with unpredictable and unreliable third party payers.
As a direct result of this program, I am currently in the process of opening a cash-based clinic that I KNOW will succeed simply as a result of the impeccable education I have received in the hours I have spent in the PCEO program. It is impossible to place a value on the impact this program can and will have on anyone willing to open themselves up to the vast knowledge of the amazing Professors and classmates at the PCEO program.
It is my hope that any physician considering this program should find it within themselves to simply walk the first step toward taking their practices back from the innumerable entities that have made the practice of medicine difficult, exhausting, and less rewarding than it has been in the past. Being a part of a solution is within all physicians and this program will you teach how to tap into that resource if it has gotten buried by the medical bureaucracy.
Take the step!
Jeremy M. Boucher, MD, PCEO
Jeremy M. Boucher, MD, PLLC
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma USA