If You own Your Own Practice You are Not Just an M.D., You are the CEO of Your Business.
Andrea Trowers, MD, PCEO – Dermatologist – Medical school and residency programs do not provide training in how to deal...
Andrea Trowers, MD, PCEO – Dermatologist – Medical school and residency programs do not provide training in how to deal...
Fatma Alshehri, MD, PCEO – Dermatologist – I was lucky enough to come across the PHYSICIAN CEO™ program. I have...
Wolfgang Riha, MD, PCEO – Cataract and Refractive Surgeon – Das PHYSICIAN CEO™ Programm war eine großartige Erfahrung für mich....
G. Brock Magruder Jr, MD, PCEO – Cataract and Refractive Surgeon – I was lucky enough to be in the...
Carlos Manrique de Lara, MD, FACS, PCEO – Cataract and Refractive Surgeon – As you know, I believe the opportunity...
Lance Kugler, MD, PCEO – Cataract and Refractive Surgeon – The PHYSICIAN CEO™ program is the single best educational program...
Erik L. Mertens, MD, FEBOphth, PCEO – Medical Director and Eye Surgeon – The PHYSICIAN CEO™ program let me upgrade...
Francesco Carones, MD, PCEO – Cataract and Refractive Surgeon – I was introduced to the PHYSICIAN CEO™ course by a...
Guillermo Rocha, MD, FRCSC, PCEO – Ocular Immunology, Inflammation, Cornea and External Disease Surgeon – In one word, my experience...
Jeff Healy, MD, PCEO – Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon – Like most other physicians, I received no business training in...